Ta-da! After months of work, we’ve just gone live with the latest reincarnation of our website — ThinkSiliconValley.com! The bold redesign coincides with Fremont’s evolving story of attracting some of the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley.

When the website originally launched in 2012, its vision was to communicate the value of Fremont’s business proposition and house vital resources for businesses looking to locate here. Most importantly, the website was designed with the intention of continual improvement to allow Fremont to change with the market and customers’ needs.

And improve it did! Naturally, we had lofty goals for ThinkSiliconValley 2.0.

There’s a whole host of impactful changes in our redesigned website, but a few things that I am most excited about are:

  • New visuals and layout reflect a clean and modernized aesthetic and showcase Fremont’s diverse companies and neighborhoods. The streamlined menus and easy navigation increases the visibility of our content and provides greater access to business resources. By “easy,” we mean that you can find all the information you are looking for with a single click.
  • Although the website has a fresh new coat of paint, we managed to retain the distinct spirit of Fremont that made it unique in the first place. You will notice this personality sprinkled throughout the site with a focus on companies, storytelling, practical resources, and even humor. Case in point: a module dedicated to the pursuit of “weirdification,” and an infographic showing the Ardenwood District’s wildlife — from peregrine falcon to high-tech programmer!


  • Our thoughtfully curated blog posts will continue to arrive in your inbox every week and keep you up-to-date on what’s happening in our corner of the world, which just happens to be the center of Silicon Valley! The blog also features guest posts by industry experts who bring intelligent insights on topics relevant to Fremont and the wider business world. How’s that for thought leadership?

If you aren’t already subscribed to our blog, don’t fret. This SUBSCRIBE button will get you there!

So you can see why we’re gushing over and posting so many pictures of our new baby … er … website. But don’t take our word for it. We invite you to experience ThinkSiliconValley 2.0 for yourself.

You will quickly notice that we put our companies first and take pride in helping them succeed. We know that you don’t typically expect high touch from a city government. But who says we’re your typical city government? Stick with us, and we’ll figure out how to make Fremont work for you too.

Happy Browsing. And don’t forget to bookmark us because you’ll want to see the continued evolution of Fremont unfold in real time.